13 October 2009

Cheap and Free in NYC

Last week, I was determined to get out of the apartment and actually DO something. It had to be free, of course, and not too tourist-y. Here's what went down.

A taping of "Maury" in Stamford, Connecticut.

I must admit that it's quite a rush to hear Mr. Povich exclaim, after a dramatic pause, "You ARE the father!" IRL.

Total cost: $0 (Not really ... I had to take the Metro North from Grand Central to Stamford, and I did buy myself dinner and a cocktail after the show, but the tickets were quite free. The value? Priceless.)

A Michael Chabon lecture at Columbia University.

This one was a complete surprise. I was hustled onto the subway with no knowledge of my final destination, but I was beyond ecstatic to see Mr. Chabon speak. I waited around for a bit afterward to meet him, shake his hand and anxiously admit my adoration of his work. I was shaking and stammering and not even speaking in complete sentences, but he was quite kind. He produced an autograph for me, complete with a golden key. I was honored and humbled.

Total cost: $0 (Not counting, of course, the subway fare.)

A tour of the Brooklyn Brewery.

BREWERY TOUR! BREWERY TOUR! BROOREETOORRRR! The Brooklyn Brewery is located about 20 blocks north of my little Williamsburg apartment, so this turned out to be a convenient and delightful afternoon activity.

Total cost: $0 (Until I bought a beer. I had to! I was at the brewery!)

Flustered by my choices, I ordered the Blast, simply because it suddenly invoked the image of a superhero stopping for a beer after fighting some villains. (I am aware of how ridiculous that is, yes, thank you.) It was delicious. What I failed to notice is that the Brooklyn Blast had the highest alcohol content out of all the draft choices — 8.5 percent. I found myself rather giggly after just 12 ounces and stopped for McDonald's french fries on the way home.

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